Recruitment Is Broken.

From candidates overstating their skills to employers receiving hundreds of
applicants, today’s hiring process hinders productivity, performance, and innovation. 

Meet Lumi

An AI-powered platform that engages candidates in a real-world ‘Quest’ to identify talent that fits you- faster, better, cheaper and more equitably.  

How It Works

We run immersive online "Quests" tailored to your recruitment needs that any candidate can join from anywhere in the world.


In each Quest, candidates participate in a design-thinking-journey to solve a company specific problem while demonstrating proficiency in twelve critical skills, including AI.

During Quests, Lumi's AI-powered skills engine makes inferences about participants skills, verified by the facilitators, to produce a personalised ‘Digital Skills Passport’, that you can use to recruit candidates that fit you best.


The ‘Quest’ delivers a positive brand experience and a valuable credential even to candidates who do not get hired.

Jonathan Berry

“The best recruiting processes don’t just identify the right people for the role, but offer all the participants a rewarding experience and useful new credentials. Recruiting is challenging for both employers and candidates: with Lumi everyone gets more out of the process.”

(Viscount) Jonathan Camrose,

Recent UK Minister for AI & IP
London, United Kingdom

A company Is Nothing More Than Its People.

Lumi’s Impact on Recruitment:


Increases employee retention rates by matching skill-sets with the right jobs. 

Removes recruitment bias to level the playing field.  

Enhances cultural fit. Finding candidates with the right ethics and values.