Lumi for older children
The best preparation for the world out there
Bright, creative, entrepreneurial teenagers. Lumi was made for them.
It promises to stretch them. To introduce them to peers from different countries. And to engage them in the real world, not just the virtual one, in a positive way.
They’ll learn key skills for the future, in technology, design and entrepreneurship. They’ll develop their own ideas and pitch them to business leaders. They’ll help tackle problems facing society today.
Lumi is also Duke of Edinburgh’s Award-accredited, and makes a great addition to any personal statement or university application. Plus, every Quest gives your child an opportunity to earn rewards, enter global competitions, and make a real difference in the world.
It’s why teenagers in over 14 countries are already tackling Quests, learning skills, and making new friends. It’s time for yours to join them.

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