Why Entrepreneurial Skills Matter
Youth Innovation Reshaping the World: Prodigies of Change
State of Entrepreneurial Education:
While standout young entrepreneurs model remarkable success, most schools have yet to systematically prioritise nurturing entrepreneurial potential. This represents an opportunity. Visionary education leaders recognise that skills like risk-taking, design thinking, and communicative self-confidence underpin the agility so vital to graduates’ future thriving.
The Lumi Approach:
In close partnership with education leaders, policy innovators, and visionary technology partners, we hope to continue positively impacting youth by expanding access and visibility for their innate creativity and pioneering potential.
As we champion the transformation toward a future that embraces imagination, invention, progress, and promise, let us boldly lead this change. The time is now and together, we can provide platforms that unlock the innate entrepreneurial potential of our youth, eager to manifest a world-changing impact.

Written By: Farheen Noorah