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Sreedhar Sistu

VP, AI Customer Offers at Schneider Electric

Shaping the Future with Youth and Sustainability: A Conversation with Sreedhar Sistu

“We organized, very recently, a hackathon at MIT, AI focusing on, you know, climate and sustain, right? A lot of partnerships.”

Sreedhar Sistu, through initiatives championed by the Schneider Electric Foundation, stresses the importance of engaging educational institutions worldwide to empower our youth with knowledge, resources, and the drive to be the harbingers of sustainable development.

As we discuss the increasing awareness of climate issues among students and the potential of technology and AI to revolutionize our approach to these challenges, Sreedhar voices his belief in the youth’s ability to innovate and solve problems unconstrained by older generations’ more limited perspectives. We’ll delve into his upbringing in India, the disparities in educational resources, and how these experiences shape his approach to fostering a brighter, more sustainable future.

We also tackle the duality of a world growing more connected through technology yet grappling with the digital divide and climate anxiety among the young. Sreedhar’s optimism about his children’s access to knowledge counterbalances these concerns and serves as a rallying cry for the inclusion of youth voices in the global dialogue on sustainability.

Key moments

00:00 Global initiatives, partnerships, and AI applications emphasized.

05:14 Reflecting on upbringing in India and education.

08:06 Limited access to books and resources.

12:25 The future belongs to the youth.

16:31 Embrace ecological advances and AI for efficiency.

19:36 Transition to a new energy landscape is inevitable with challenges.

21:17 Schneider Electric collaborates for education and sustainability.

25:47 Journey from awareness to action on climate.

28:42 White-collar jobs threatened by AI and technology.

32:05 Encourage reviews, recommend stories, and tune in next.

Connect with Sreedhar Sistu




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About In YOUth We Trust

In YOUth We Trust sits down with successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, educators, and others worldwide.

We spotlight how individuals & organizations are shaping a better world, directly or indirectly, for the coming generations by focusing on sustainability, equity, education, and more to empower young people to create the future they deserve.


About Lumi.Network

Lumi is building the world’s first AI-augmented platform where 10-25-year-olds undertake Quests to build entrepreneurship, design thinking & AI skills while collaboratively developing tech-enabled solutions to the world’s biggest problems (based on UN SDGs). The Quests culminate in a unique Digital Skills Passport accredited by a Stanford University-affiliated institution.

Working in teams from around the world, Luminaries learn skills in coding, design, and entrepreneurship. Supported by weekly expert sessions, they put these skills into practice to develop their original apps and solutions with tremendous potential to create real-world impact.

Young people see solutions, not problems. Lumi is their chance to combine their natural curiosity with the opportunity to make a real difference.

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About Your Host, Prashant Raizada

“I am an experienced entrepreneur & CEO whose career highlights include being part of the founding team of a unicorn (Infosys BPO- $2bn exit), Founder & CEO of Macmillan Publishers’ flagship digital education venture-EnglishUp, which became Brazil’s 3rd largest online English learning co.), working at McKinsey & Co. and having tried and failed (or learned) multiple times but starting back again…

I have operated in/engaged with most major global markets, continue advising companies across sectors on digital strategy/innovation, and mentor several start-ups and charities globally. I have dedicated the last 11 years to solving problems in all forms of education globally, and I am most excited about my latest venture, Lumi.Network, which is giving young minds globally an opportunity to learn about and collaborate to solve some of humanity’s greatest challenges. 

Since 2017, I also started my journey of inner transformation by becoming a part of the Self-Realisation Fellowship, a remarkable 100+ year institution started by Paramhansa Yogananda. Integrating yoga and meditation in my life has allowed me to become a better leader and person in all walks of life.”


Podcast Produced by Old Soul:

